Smoky Royal Mushroom

Preparation time:20 minutes
Cooking time:15 minutes
Image by swapnil zodge

  • Mushroom 2 packets
  • Curd (dahi)
  • Cashew paste 2 teaspoon (kahu paste)
  • Almond paste 2 teaspoon (badam paste)
  • 2 large onion paste (brown)
  • Salt
  • Red chili powder
  • Garam masala powder
  • Cucumber diced (kakdi)
  • onion chopped
  • ghee
  • cinnamon stick 2 (dalchini)
  • cloves 5 (lavang) 
  • ginger and garlic paste
  • Wash the mushrooms and cut them into two halves.  In a bowl mix curd, red chili powder, ghee, cashew and almond paste, onion paste, salt, garam masala powder, ginger and garlic paste.
  • Coat this mixture on mushrooms and keep them for a rest about 1 hour.  Place cinnamon and cloves on hot coal in center of the bowl. 
  • Add ghee and once smoke comes cover the bowl very well and smoke the mushrooms.
  • Weave mushrooms on skewers and again spread the mixture on mushrooms.  
  • Now place the skewers on coals and cook from all sides keep brushing with ghee.  Now mix cucumber, curd, onion, salt and make salad.  
  • Garnish smoked royal mushrooms with cucumber salad, lemon wedges and coriander leaves.


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