Potatao Dry Fruit Tikki Cup

Preparation time:20 minutes
Cooking time:15 minutes
Image by swapnil zodge

  • 8 pottatoes boiled
  • Red chili powder
  • Black salt
  • 7 to 8 cashew nuts roughly chopped
  • 7 to 8 almonds roughly chopped
  • Tamarind
  • Dry mango powder
  • Oil
  • Jaggery
  • Soak tamarind and jaggery in warm water.
  • Mash potatoes.  Mix black salt and red chili powder, dry mango powder.
  • Make 16 flat balls.  Heat oil in a pan and shallow fry the balls until both the sides gets crisp.
  • Now make hole in the center of each tikki.  Place cashew nuts and almonds in each tikki cup.
  • Again shallow fry the tikki's until crisp.
  • Grind tamarind, jaggery, pinch of red chili powder.  
  •  Garnish tikki dry fruit cups with tamarind chutney and red chili powder.


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