Stir Fried Makai Bhel

Preparation:Time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Serve: 4


  • Corn flakes (makai poha) 250 gram.

  • 2 capsicum chopped
  • 2 onions chopped
  • 1 teaspoon red chili powder 
  • schezwan sauce 
  • red chili sauce
  • oil
  • salt

Procedure :

  • Heat oil in a thick bottom kadai.
  • Now deep fry corn flakes and strain the excess oil.  
  • Heat some oil in a separate pan and add some oil.
  • Add onion and capsicum cook on high flame.
  • Add schezwan sauce and red chili sauce  and red chili powder mix well.
  • Quickly toss deep fried corn flakes and serve imidieately.


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